Paths are more than a way to move through a space! Paths in a garden space can divide different parts of the garden with different functions (respite or quiet companionship, such as a patio; growing vegetables and fruits; or active play/sports as examples). They can lead to places one can’t see – making one wonder what lies ahead. They can range from very formal concrete to crushed packed gravel, bark, or natural rocks that reflect the nature of the garden and help convey the garden character.
Patios are defined spaces that often meet a particular need of the garden owner. They can be a place of respite/quiet companionship or can be a gathering place where one can entertain (think food and dancing). Like the paths, they can be more formal or very informal, while making a statement and still serving a practical function. Paths often lead to, or from, the patio area. In one example, the paths are simple and lead to a patio area with a bright pot and a bright flower (color!) almost beckoning one to walk that way.